2018年8月22日,圣迭戈——Qualcomm Incorporated(NASDAQ:QCOM)子公司Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.宣布,公司即将推出的旗舰移动平台将是采用7纳米制程工艺的系统级芯片(SoC)。可与Qualcomm®骁龙™ X50 5G调制解调器搭配,该7纳米SoC预计将成为面向优异智能手机和其他移动终端而打造的、首款支持5G功能的移动平台。目前,Qualcomm Technologies已经向多家开发下一代消费终端的OEM厂商出样上述即将发布的旗舰移动平台。随着运营商将在2018年晚些时候和2019年开始支持5G服务,即将发布的平台将变革诸多行业、催生全新商业模式并提升用户体验。
Qualcomm Incorporated总裁克里斯蒂安诺•阿蒙表示:“我们很高兴能够与全球OEM厂商、运营商、基础设施厂商和标准组织开展合作,助力2018年年底首批5G移动热点的推出,并在2019年上半年支持采用我们下一代移动平台的智能手机的发布。随着5G技术带来的无处不在的连接,Qualcomm Technologies在研发和工程方面的领导地位将助力未来诸多行业的持续创新。”
有关Qualcomm Technologies下一代旗舰移动平台的完整信息计划于2018年第四季度公布。
Qualcomm发明的基础科技改变了世界连接、计算与沟通的方式。把手机连接到互联网,我们的发明开启了移动互联时代。今天,我们发明的基础科技催生了那些改变人们生活的产品、体验和行业。Qualcomm引领世界迈向5G,我们看到新一轮蜂窝技术的变革将激发万物智能互连的新时代,并在网联汽车、远程健康医疗服务和物联网领域创造全新机遇。Qualcomm Incorporated包括技术许可业务(QTL)和我们绝大部分的专利组合。Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.(QTI)是Qualcomm Incorporated的全资子公司,与其子公司一起运营我们所有的工程、研发活动以及所有产品和服务业务,其中包括半导体业务QCT。
Qualcomm和骁龙是Qualcomm Incorporated在美国和其他国家/地区注册的商标。
Qualcomm骁龙是Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. 和/或其子公司的产品。
In addition to the historical information contained herein, this press release contains forward-looking statements (as defined in the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995) that are inherently subject to risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to statements regarding the commercial availability of certain products, the anticipated capabilities and design features of such products, the timing of such availability, and the value, benefits and advantages Qualcomm Technologies’ products may provide to OEMs and their products, technologies and businesses. Words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “expect,” “forecast,” “intend,” “may,” “plan,” “planned,” “project,” “predict,” “should,” “will,” and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These statements are based on our current expectations or beliefs and are subject to uncertainty and changes in circumstances. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements herein due to a number of important factors, including but not limited to changes in economic, business, competitive, technological, strategic and/or regulatory factors, and other factors affecting our operations, our customers’ and licensees’ sales of products and services based on these products, and our customers’ demand for our products and services; competition in an environment of rapid technological change; our dependence on a small number of customers and licensees; our dependence on the premium-tier device segment; and our ability to extend our technologies, products and services into new and expanded product areas and adjacent industry segments. These and other risks are set forth in Qualcomm Incorporated’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 24, 2017 filed with the SEC. Our reports filed with the SEC are available on our website at www.qualcomm.com. We undertake no obligation to update, or continue to provide information with respect to, any forward-looking statement or risk factor, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.